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2024 Grain NSW Half Yearly General Meeting

Over the 16th and 17th May, Grain NSW Association members landed in Wagga Wagga for a 2 day half yearly program. Thursday’s activities centered around the CSU AgriPark and kicked off with an insightful and comprehensive market outlook from Dennis Voznesenski, Associate Director Sustainability and Agricultural Economist at CBA, followed by an engaging Sustainability Panel discussion lead by Adam Robinson, Association President and key industry representatives.

Nick Pagett, Executive Director of CSU AgriPark outlined CSU’s mission to grow a sustainable agriculture sector. Jonathan Medway, Head of Digital and Sustainable Agriculture lead a tour of the Global Digital Farm, an integrated digital learning, innovation, and research environment within a full-scale commercial, mixed farm operation.

The Hon Michael McCormack MP, National Party Member for Riverina attended Fridays general meeting as our Guest Speaker to talk on the what the recent budget means to the Agricultural and associated industries.
Posted in Gatherings, News

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